Space Wanted User Agreement Effective Date: October 10, 2023

I. Introduction

Before proceeding to register and use the Space Wanted mobile game application (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), we urge you to thoroughly read and understand this User Agreement. By registering, logging in, or using the Service, you indicate your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with any part of this Agreement, you are not authorized to access or use the Service.

II. Account Registration and Data Storage

About AppStore

For the iOS version of the Service, users are required to sign in via Sign in with Apple. Game progress is stored locally on the device and can be backed up to iCloud Key-Value storage associated with the Apple account. Local saves will be synced to the cloud when connected to iCloud. We do not collect or store any personal information beyond what is necessary for this feature, and all account management policies adhere to Apple's guidelines. Refer to Apple's Privacy Policy for more details about how Apple handles your information.

About GooglePlay

For the Google Play version of the Service, users are required to sign in via their Google account. Game progress is stored locally on the device and can be backed up to Google Play Games Services for cloud storage associated with the user's Google account. Local saves will synchronize with the cloud when the device is connected to the internet. We do not collect or retain any personal information beyond what is essential for this feature, and all account management practices comply with Google's guidelines. For more details on how Google handles your information, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy.

III. Third-Party Advertising and Analytics SDKs Disclosure

Our Service integrates advertising and analytics SDKs from the following providers:

  1. Topon -
  2. Maio -
  3. StartApp -
  4. Appnext
  5.  Vungle -
  6. UnityAds -
  7. Ironsource -
  8. Tapjoy -
  9. Bigo -
  10. Pubnative -
  11. Pangle -
  12. Amazon -
  13. Kidoz -
  14. Huawei -
  15. Facebook: [Data Policy](
  16. Admob -
  17. Inmobi -
  18. AppLovin -
  19. Mintegral -
  20. Chartboost -
  21. Mytarget -
  22. Yandex -
  23. Fyber -
  24.  Ogury -
  25. Tramini -

These SDKs may collect anonymous data for targeted advertising and analytics purposes. Users can manage their ad preferences and opt-out options directly through the respective platforms' privacy settings.

IV. Privacy Protection

As stated, we do not save player account information on our servers. The handling of personal data is subject to the privacy practices of the relevant platform providers. For detailed information on how your data is processed, please consult the privacy policies of the platforms used to access the Service.

iOS - App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Statement:

Within the Space Wanted mobile application, we employ App Tracking Transparency (ATT) to facilitate personalized advertising recommendations. To respect your privacy, we will explicitly seek your consent before enabling any tracking of your activity across other apps and websites for advertising purposes. This consent process adheres to Apple's strict guidelines and gives you full control over the choice to allow or disallow this type of tracking.

When prompted, you will have the option to either grant or deny permission for the app to track your data for advertising personalization. Granting permission allows us to provide you with ads that are more relevant to your interests, while declining this permission will result in non-personalized ads being served within the app. Regardless of your decision, access to and enjoyment of the Space Wanted game will not be affected.


Player Data Deletion Option:

Players have the option to erase all game progress and save data, encompassing both cloud and local backups, should they decide they no longer need their account or saved game progress. This operation can be executed directly within the Space Wanted game interface. Upon confirmation, all game-related data will be permanently removed from the device's local storage and the corresponding cloud storage service (either iCloud for iOS users or Google Play Games Services for Android users). It is important to note that once this action is taken, the deletion is irreversible, and the player's progress will not be recoverable.


V. Usage Rules

Users must abide by the rules outlined in Section IV and are prohibited from engaging in activities that violate the law, infringe on others' rights, or disrupt the Service's normal functioning.

VI. Advertisements

Our Service includes ads, and by using the Service, you consent to receiving advertisements from us and third-party providers. We are not liable for any transactions, losses, or damages arising from interactions with these ads, and users are encouraged to review the advertisers' privacy policies independently.

VII. Miscellaneous

The copyright of the Service is owned by Nanning Yunyou Moke Network Technology Co., Ltd. Unauthorized reproduction, repacking, or modification of the Service is strictly forbidden.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Disputes will initially be resolved through friendly negotiation, and if unsuccessful, users agree to bring legal proceedings in the people's court with jurisdiction over our domicile.

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

Please note that this Agreement may change from time to time without prior notice. Users are responsible for reviewing the most recent version accessible within the App.

Special Note for Minors: Minors should have their legal guardians read and explain this Agreement to them before accepting its terms.